Interview – Darrin Tangeman – Town Manager – Truro, Massachusetts

Does understanding the history of your municipality help in building the future for it? Picture yourself standing on a small cliff at a spot where flat, grassy land meets a seemingly endless view of the water. The wind dances around your face and the howling in your ears causes a white noise as you stare …

Interview: Byron Smith – City Manager – Hermiston, Oregon

The Pacific Northwest is growing, with an unforseen city set to take the lead. What’s your favorite type of potato? Mashed, scalloped, roasted, fried, baked, au gratin? Personally, I don’t think many things can beat a fried potato. But before we had an enormous selection of methods to cook our spuds, there was a modest …

Interview: Jennifer Nanek – City Clerk – Lake Wales, Florida

There’s a small city in Florida that some of the residents call “Paradise”. Standing at the intersection of culture and growth is a city with a history as beautiful as its sunsets at dawn. Lake Wales celebrated the 100th year of their charter last year; an outstanding accomplishment as a municipality. Located in the heart …

5 Resources For Your Digital Government To Tell An Amazing Story

The infiltration of technology into all state and local governments is imminent. The good thing about this digital era is that there are more resources at the disposal of local government leaders. Technology is essential for a municipality to tell its full story. What are your next steps for setting your “brand” foundation using technology? …

How Do You Set Goals As A State And Local Government Agency?

What did governments in the past do in order to propel themselves to the future that we’re in now? If there’s on thing that I’ll remember from history, it’s that “in 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue”. When you think about the limited supplies and resources that everyone had at the time – three …

Is There A “Universal Language” In State and Local Government?

“The constant free flow of communication amount us – enabling the free interchange of ideas – forms the very bloodstream of our nation. It keeps the mind and body of our democracy eternally vital, eternally young.“ -Franklin D. Roosevelt Where does communication start in state and local government? What kind of dog do you have? …

Digital Government – But Not Like Star Trek!

“The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” -Bill Gates What does digital government look like? Digital government doesn’t mean holograms, laser beams and a matrix… But we can talk about your emails! Or lack thereof. With the transition to a more digital government, you’re able to eliminate unnecessary emails. …

Where Can We Develop The Future Of Local and State Government, Together?

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” -Thomas Jefferson Imagine it’s the second Friday of the month. You’re at work and your boss walks over to you and hands you an envelope. For many of us, this was one of the happiest moments of the month; it’s payday! You rip open …