Creating a more strategized local government!
Nearly 100,000 municipalities in the United States.
At govStrategy, we’re collecting comprehensive and strategic plans from all of them – encouraging others to build their own along the way.
Creating a strategic or comprehensive plan will not only help hold the organization accountable, but it will give other municipalities the chance to see other operations – ideally, adopting successful practices.
On top of that, an agency strategic plan is one of three main elements required by the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 and the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010.
Building a more collaborative community!
2500+ Comprehensive Plans
That’s why we’ve also provided a community in each state. Sharing the successes and failures of a municipality will help build transparency and camaraderie.
We believe that people in similar states have similar demographics, challenges, success, climate, and more. To capitalize on those similarities, join in conversation with your neighbors!
Providing value to the public sector!
Sharing resources along the way. We want to make it as easy as possible to think about the future, whether that’s sharing other organizations’ goals or providing suggestions for consultants, software, books, videos, courses, and more.
We’ve created a blog filled with interviews and various state and local government statistics. Take a look at our resource and blog pages for more information!
Get Started!
Get started now! Make sure you’re prepared for the future. When you have the plan, you have the infrastructure for your future! Sign up for our newsletter to start seeing interviews with local government leaders!